New Here?
Welcome to Oak Park! We are thankful that you are interested in our church. The pages in this section of our website are desgined to help you learn more about us. Simply put, we come from many different walks of life but find unity through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We have all sinned, and have found that through the death and resurrection of Jesus anyone who repents and believes can be forgiven and experience the blessing of redemption. As those made new by Christ, we cannot help but speak of our wonderful Savior proclaiming His deeds to everyone so that they too might experience the joy of knowing Christ.
Join Us This Sunday
We'd love to have you join us for Sunday morning worship. Guest parking is available immediately beyond the overhang at the main entrance. Visit our Welcome Center just inside the main entrance for directions to Discipleship Classes, our Kids Area, additional accommodations, and any other questions or needs you may have.
Connect With Us
Are you thinking about visiting Oak Park, or maybe you're visiting us right now? We invite you to fill out this connect card so we can follow up with you and see how your visit went, help you prepare for your visit, or answer any questions about the church that you might have.