Oak Park Preschool Ministry includes our Sunday School ministry running concurrently with our adult discipleship classes, Extended Care which runs concurrently with our Sunday morning worship service, and Rooted, our mid-week program that includes four and five-year-old preschoolers. Our gifted teachers and volunteers offer loving care and age-appropriate lessons for all our kiddos with the goal of seeing each one grow up to know, love, trust, and follow Jesus for His glory and their life-long joy.
Across each of our ministries, all our volunteers have been trained in policies to protect your children and have passed a national background check. Our check-in system along with minimum points of entry ensure that your child is secure while with us.
Our Mission: Nurturing and diligently training the next generation in the fear and joy of the Lord and equipping our families to do the same, that they may know, love, trust, and follow Jesus to the glory of God

Sunday school
Every Sunday morning from 9:00-10:00am we offer Sunday school classes with age-appropriate lessons and crafts led by our loving Preschool Ministry teachers for kids from birth through Pre-K. Please see a team leader at the check-in desk in the children’s wing for assistance in getting your child checked-in and for an introduction to their teachers!

Extended Care
During our Sunday morning worship service our caring volunteers offer childcare for kids from birth through Pre-K with age-appropriate organized play, songs, story time, and a snack!
Our mid-week children’s ministry, Rooted, meets on Wednesday nights from 6:30 – 8:00pm during the Fall and Spring semesters (following Greater Clark County School schedule).
For our four and five-year-old preschoolers, our loving teachers led them through a meaningful time of music, games, Bible lessons, and snacks. Please register your kids by clicking here.